My cousin commented on my Christmas candy post. Her comment: "
Taking after G'pa Miller I see..Me too I make all kinds of goodies this time of year, mostly candies."
Great Grandma & Grandpa Miller |
G'pa Miller was my Great Grandpa on my mother's side. Her mother's father. G'pa Miller was a candy maker. I do remember my Great Grandparents. I have one vivid memory of making applesauce with G'ma Miller. I hope it's not a dreamed up memory. I also vaguely remember the gathering for a memorial in my Granma Irma's back yard. Or maybe it was a big wedding anniversary for them. I was little, definitely under 9 and probably 5 or 6, or younger. Cousin Sue and my sister Diane would remember, they have 10 years on me.
So on Sunday, I made peanut brittle and thought of my Great Grandpa. The vague remembrance of him and my Great Grandma. I have photos of them and I hope my memories are based on real events rather than just a photo that brings realness to a story. I recall caramel corn at Christmas. I remember my mom telling me Grandad Miller made it for us. I love caramel corn to this day. Can't make it but I love it. I have tried to make it and the popcorn always melts.
The peanut brittle is a Martha Stewart recipe from the 1998 TV show. Fairly easy to make and delicious. Thank you Great Grandpa Miller for good genes.
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